Wow, I haven't updated in 2 months. So sorry! It's been crazy busy here, with our new business taking off ( and two toddlers. Plus working full-time. Ah well, it's my life and I love it. The kids are wonderful. Well, Maddie is having a pretty bad flare-up of her skin condition right now. They never said for sure, but the ped derm thinks it's severe eczema and not acropustulosis. As of this morning, she has patches of red bumps on her legs, her belly feels like 'chicken skin' (per Christopher) and is covered in tiny bumps. And she has the tell-tale blisters on her feet. Poor thing is itching like crazy. Time to break out the benedryl and peanut oil (what they prescribed for her skin).
Other than that, they're great. She's saying mama, dada (when she sees us, so the words do have meaning to her!), bye bye and hi. Dylan is talking in sentences now (I like trains. I like cars. I like Dora. LOL). I'm just amazed by both kids on a daily basis. They're both beautiful and perfect. And I feel so blessed to call them mine.

And these are from Maddie's first birthday party: