They're still projecting a referral around September.
We cleaned out Madison's room and put up her crib this weekend. We also went through Dylan's clothes. He had so many, we couldn't get to them all. We found some cute new outfits for the summer. He's not gaining much weight (19 pounds at 13 months old), so he's still in 6-9mo clothes! We boxed up all the 18+ month clothing since it's just taking up room. Even the 12mo stuff is too big, but he'll be into that soon, we hope. Anyway, we used big diaper cases for the clothes. He has 1 case of 24mo clothes and 2 cases of 18mo clothes. Then a whole 4-drawer dresser full of 12mo clothes (I counted 18 pair of JEANS!) and 2 huge drawers of 6-9mo clothes. Needless to say, we no longer need more clothes for the boy. Oh, and all overalls, outfits and button-up shirts are hanging. The drawers are just for pants, t-shirts, onesies and rompers. Yikes. Most of you know, we go yard sale-ing almost every weekend in the spring and summer. That's where we get all of his clothes. I've never bought a brand-new outfit for him. He has a few new ones from baby showers, Christmas and birthday. But the majority of his clothes are really nice, second-hand clothes. I never pay more than $1 for any one piece, and he has some really nice stuff.
We've been doing the same for Madison. She has about the same amount of clothes. A dresser, 2 huge drawers, a closet FULL of dresses and right now, her crib is piled high with clothes just from this weekend. I think I'm addicted to baby clothes. Is there a support group for baby clothes addicts??
Dylan is cutting his top incisors and having a rough time of it. He cries in his sleep. He has trouble going to sleep. He wakes up early. He's not eating much because it hurts, then cries because he's hungry. I feel so bad for my little man. I wish I could take away his pain. He gets Tylenol before bed, but I don't want him to be on it all day, too.
Saturday, it was in the '80s here, so we broke out the swim diapers and sprinkler. He wasn't too impressed. I do have to admit, the water was really cold. Afterwards, we let him run around naked in the backyard. He enjoyed that. LOL.