Dylan will be a year old in 10 days. It's crazy how fast it goes. He's such a big boy now. He has the best personality and I love him more and more every day. He's off the bottle now, and on a sippy cup. We're going to start working on a regular cup soon. He's walking and sometimes running a little. He loves swinging at the park. He's in the toddler room at daycare. His one-year checkup is the day after his birthday, and I'm anxious to see how he's doing with his weight and head circumference.

We have our first homestudy interview for the second adoption this afternoon. The in-home visit is next week. It's a combination of a post-placement report for Dylan and an update for our dossier for Madison. We hope to get a referral around Sept. and travel in Jan. 2008. We're really excited about going back. We're taking Chris' sister with us to help with Dylan. I can't wait to see Vietnam again. It's such a beautiful country. I'm NOT looking forward to the flight there or back, or the first couple weeks home (jetlag, grieving baby, no sleep). We're excited to add a baby girl to our family, though.